Thursday, June 9, 2011

RC Helicopter

Leonardo da Vinci created on paper, at least flew the first helicopter, and the first helicopter was invented by Paul Cornu in 1907, but this project was not successful. Another Frenchman, Etienne Oehmichen built and flew a helicopter 1 km in 1924. A first practical helicopter, which flew for a decent distance of the German Focke-Wulf Fw 61 invented by an unknown inventor. (Http: / /
Igor Sikorsky is considered the"Father" of helicopters not because he invented the first. He is so named because he invented the first successful helicopter, based on the design future.
Where to start when the RC model helicopter is? Well, I do not know who gives the first models of RC helicopters, but has been in 70 years that the revolution really started RC helicopter.
For the most part they were all nitro powered, with the standardModel aircraft engines (40 and 0.60 large) and 4-6 aircraft radio channel.

With a 4-channel radio for 5-way control of a helicopter was completed in the IT challenges and results. What they did was to plug a "Y" for gas and pitch servo. Then mechanically set the throttle curve and pitch on the helicopter.
Over the year '70 's there were two main types of helicopters, the head bobbing, fixed pitch, and soon after came the pitch. And onlyas now, had some direct drive tail rotor system while others went with belt drive.

Rc Helicopter

The first of these Heli's, where to fly hard, had a very poor control and devoid of any queue gyroscopes, radio, or a mixture of modern advances conni helicopter flying today so good and easy. We also had to mechanically insert the lead / lag of the rotor blades, until we left around 2 of the 3 screws on the rotor blades and left them there, our search for Lead-Lag
But the RC helicopter model developedquickly and the '80 's was the model of RC helicopter flying very well, the radio producers began to make a good remote control helicopter, the helicopter took to the modern style of Bell / Hiller control, Single-Point Main Blade system of self-help Lead / Lag and gyroscopes was commonplace. Direct or belt drive tail rotor were still in use.

In the 80s and 90s in the Far East began to create beautiful patterns in all sizes. And the "Ready ToFly-in models was on the agenda. The race was one of the things, and was started with the RC helicopter to make only limited by your imagination.
I would think in this century the "Age of Electricity" and now you can get an e-helicopter and in any size (small enough to solve the problem yourself) to 40-60 size.
And you can fly at all, they are required to compete with your helicopter fuel, rest and do not smoke, do not choke, and are fully 3D-capable.
SoIf you fly interests lean toward the rotary winged birds, visit the new electrical system. Fate is so easy today that you can buy one, you open the window and recharge the batteries and fly, even if you've never flown before!

Bob Robeson

[HTTP: / /]

RC Helicopter

lawn sprinkler valve

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